2016 Schedule
This year’s festival will take place April 4-10, 2016
Unless noted here, all events take place at
The Athena Cinema
20 S Court St, Athens, OH 45701
(740) 592-5106
Need Tickets? Check out our ticket page.
Monday, April 4th
1:00 PM Blood, Sweat & Tears
Included Films:
Cleaning Service Dir. Antoine Le Carpentier, France
Starman Dir. Josema Roig, USA
Champion Dir. Andrés Passoni, Argentina
The Tiger Dir. John Urbano, USA
Caspian Fishermen Dir. Mohamad Hosein Abedini, Iran
The Interior Dir. Jonathan Rattner, USA
1:15 PM Henry
Included Films:
Henry Dir. Phillipp Fussenegger, Germany, Austria
Music Club Dir. Steve Wetzel, Austria
1:30 PM Hooligan Sparrow
Included Films:
Hooligan Sparrow Dir. Nanfu Wang, China
3:00 PM New Horizon
Included Films:
At The Edge Of The River Dir. Mike Rollo, Canada
I’ve Got The World On A String Pt. 2 Dir. Spencer Holden, USA
Frontier Journals 08: Antipodes Rising Dir. Georg Koszulinski, USA
Night Swells Dir. Zachary Epcar, USA
A Place I’ve Never Been Dir. Adrian Flury, Switzerland
Defeat Dir. Mohamed Almubarak, Spain
Season of Wonder Dir. Lisa Crafts, USA
Intersection Dir. Vincent Grenier, USA
Irradient Field Dir. Laura Kraning, USA
External Memories Dir. Yuan Zheng, USA
3:15 PM Short Supply
Included Films:
Short Supply Dir. Kevin Molony, Poland
Rated Dir. John Fortson, USA
3:30 PM Long Story Short
Included Films:
Long Story Short Dir. Natalie Bookchin, USA
The Silence Dir. Cleo Tellier, Canada
Jada Dir. Doug Roland, USA
5:00 PM No Home Movie
5:15 PM Janis: Little Girl Blue
5:30 PM Keep The Lights On
Included Films:
Lamp – a ghost story Dir. Thomas Southerland, USA
Last Door South Dir. Sacha Feiner, Belgium, France
Hit & Run Dir. Jordan Liebowitz, USA
The House is Innocent Dir. Nicholas Coles, USA
Elle Dir. Vincent Toujas, France
Oracle Dir. Christopher Lange, USA
7:00 PM Boy And The World
7:15 PM The Fits
7:30 PM Liberty To Disobey
Included Films:
The Aspirant Dir. Juan Gautier, Spain
Disobedience Dir. Baris Alp, Turkey
Allegory of the jam jar Dir. Boris Kuijpers, Belgium
Buffalo Juggalos Dir. Scott Cummings, USA
9:00 PM Viktoria
9:15 PM Visual Music
Included Films:
Jazz Orgie Dir. Irina Rubina, Germany
Genius Expo Dir. Mirai Mizue, Japan
Sparrow Duet Dir. Steve Socki, USA
Mirage Dir. Yaya Xu, USA
Movements Arising from Different Relationships / Between Regularity and Irregularity 2 Dir. Masahiro Tsutani, Japan
Body Without Organs Dir. Mark Franz, USA
Australian Paper Dir. Min Jung Kim, USA
Metropolitan Triangle Garden Dir. Rui Hu, USA
Tunk Reck Dir. Matt Meindl, USA
[cthorsion scrypt fantomsens] Dir. Chris Boyd, UK
White Noize Dir. Jade Downer, USA
Living Like Kings Dir. Benjamin Kaplan, USA
9:30 PM RAIDERS! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made International Feature
Tuesday, April 5th
1:00 PM Buried Above Ground
Included Films:
Buried Above Ground Dir. Ben Selkow, USA
Warrior Dir. Kyle Kruse, USA
1:15 PM Body Space
Included Films:
A lullaby Dir. Meredith Kelly, USA
Shadow Boxer Dir. Stephanie Bollag, USA
The Fall Dir. Jose Carlos Teixeira, Portugal
Frost Dir. Jo Roy, USA
Orange Trill Dir. Georg Anthony Svatek, USA
Freedom to go! Dir. Ingrid Nachstern, Ireland
The Last Request Dir. Emanuele Secci, USA
Coward Dir. Katie Frances Orr, USA
Spawned Seeds Dir. Eugene Park, USA
Room Dir. Guan Xi, Xiaoni Chang, China
Ewe Topia Dir. Ben Hillman, USA
1:30 PM House of Time
Included Films:
House of Time Dir. Jonathan Helpert, France
3:00 PM We, The Outsiders
Included Films:
We, the Outsiders Dir. Ramesh More, India
Not Amish, Not English Dir. Jennifer Coombes, USA
Where We Stand Dir. Kristen Stolakis, USA
Omnia Dir. Amena Al Nowais, United Arab Emirates
3:30 PM Snack On This
Included Films:
Angels With A Cause Dir. Gary Novak, USA
Meat Dir. Michael Forstein, USA
Bread Elegant Dir. Holly Hey, USA
Home at Dawn Dir. Billy Silva, Peru
The Chop Dir. Lewis Rose, United Kingdom
Alex & Sylvia Dir. Christian Lachel, USA
3:30 PM Simulation Beach
Included Films:
Simulation Beach Dir. Edward Kihn, USA
Iron Condor Dir. Meredith Lackey, USA
Mamochka Dir. Eddy Van Hamersveld, Netherlands
5:00 PM Lydia Moyer Juror’s Screening Special Event
5:15 PM RAIDERS! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made
5:30 PM The Fits
7:00 PM Science On Screen: A Science Movie Mash-up Special Event
7:15 PM No Home Movie
7:15 PM The Tribe
9:15 PM Take Two
Included Films:
Elders Dir. Glen Milner, United Kingdom
Table For Two Dir. Harrison Macks, USA
Follow Your Heart Dir. Rob O’Neill, USA
(a)live Dir. Maud Forget, France
Box Dir. Mathias Askeland, Norway
The Escape Hatch Dir. David Willing, Australia
How To Lose Weight In 4 Easy Steps Dir. Benjamin Berman, USA
More Than God Dir. Kev Cahill, Ireland
Her Friend Adam Dir. Ben Petrie, USA
9:30 PM The Wonders
Wednesday, April 6th
1:00 PM Growing Up Too Fast
Included Films:
Blitz Dir. Faraday Okoro, USA
The Lobster Kid Dir. Joseph Chen-Chieh Hsu, Taiwan
7 Sheep Dir. Victoria Szymanska, Mexico
A Man of God Dir. Matthew Herbertz, USA
The Aquarium Dir. Jacobie Gray, Australia
1:15 PM Feed Me
Included Films:
Feed Me Dir. Rachel Maclean, United Kingdom
Song For Awe And Dread Dir. Tommy Becker, USA
Strongboy Dir. Keon Hedayati, USA
1:30 PM Forty Days of Pines
Included Films:
Forty Days of Pines Dir. Atieh Attarzadeh Firozabad, Iran
Continuous Excavation Dir. Nick Manley, Italy
3:00 PM Lost and Found
Included Films:
Dreaming of Peggy Lee Dir. James Everett, United Kingdom
In the Sky of Your Thoughts What the Clouds Are Dir. Craig Webster, USA
Picnic Dir. Jure Pavlovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Stray Dir. Christoph Horch, Germany
Semele Dir. Myrsini Aristidou, Cyprus
Holler Dir. Nicole Riegel, USA
3:15 PM Ever The Land
Included Films:
Ever The Land Dir. Sarah Grohnert, New Zealand
The Child Who Hammered Nails Dir. Isabelle Kanapé, Canada
3:30 PM The Little Firemen
Included Films:
The Little Firemen Dir. Quincy Perkins, Peru
Isabella Morra Dir. Isabel Pagliai, France
5:00 PM Justice For All
Included Films:
One Document for Hope Dir. Margaret Rorison USA
An Ecstatic Experience Dir. Ja’Tovia Gary USA
Babel of Cincinnati Dir. Ryan Davis, USA
We All We Got Dir. Carlos Javier Ortiz, USA
Ferguson 365 Dir. Christopher Phillips, USA
JUS SOLI Dir. Somebody Nobody, United Kingdom
Good White People Dir. Jarrod Welling-Cann, USA
5:15 PM The Wonders
5:15 PM The Tribe
7:00 PM Kelly Sears Juror’s Screening Special Event
7:30 PM RAIDERS! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made
7:45 PM The Lobster
9:00 PM InQueery
Included Films:
Mounting Evidence Dir. Corinne Teed, USA
Reluctantly Queer Dir. Akosua Adoma Owusu, Ghana
You Are Boring! Dir. Vika Kirchenbauer, Germany
Pronouns Dir. Michael Paulucci, USA
Golden Golden Dir. Erica Cho, USA
Nightstand Dir. Charlie Parham, United Kingdom
9:30 PM Janis: Little Girl Blue
Thursday, April 7th
1:00 PM Art and Artists
Included Films:
Boat Dir. Gina Cunningham, USA
The Queen of Material Dir. Rajee Samarasinghe, Sri Lanka
prank2.3 Dir. dadpranks<, USA
Portrait of a Wind-up Maker Dir. Dario Perez Moreno, Spain
Frank Oriti Dir. Brad Bores, USA
Art! Dir. Alexander Tuschinski, Germany
“Scene” Dir. Jim McQuaid, USA
Fairy Tales Dir. Rongfei Guo, China
1:15 PM Lost Colony
Included Films:
Lost Colony Dir. Christopher Holmes, USA
1:30 PM After Coal
Included Films:
After Coal Dir. Tom Hansell, USA
A Partial History Of The Natural World, 1965 Dir. Sasha Waters Freyer, USA
Burnt Dir. Devin Bell, USA
3:00 PM How We Feel
Included Films:
Never Dir. Giulio Poidomani, Italy
Everything else Dir. Federico Untermann, Spain
Marta Rosa Dir. Barbara Cigarroa, Mexico
The Waiting Place Dir. Shahriar Shafiani, USA
3000 Dir. Antonis Tsonis, Greece
One-minded Dir. Forest Ian Etsler, Republic of Korea
3:15 PM Accidental Courtesy
Included Films:
Accidental Courtesy Dir. Noah Ornstein, USA
Verbatim: The Ferguson Case Dir. Brett Weiner, USA
3:30 PM Los Titeres de Belial
Included Films:
Los Titeres de Belial Dir. Omar Monge, Mexico
Another City Dir. Pham Ngoc Lan, Vietnam
5:00 PM The Wonders
5:15 Driving While Black
Included Films:
Driving While Black Dir. Paul Sapiano, USA
5:30 Shifting Borders
Included Films:
People of Nowhere Dir. Lior Sperandeo, Greece
Love Comes Later Dir. Sonejuhi Sinha, USA
Kingdom of Garbage Dir. Yasir Kareem, Iraq
Out Of The Village Dir. Jonathan Stein, Ghana
Dreams Without Borders Dir. Muna Al Hariri, Syria/Jordan
Another Kind Of Girl Dir. Khaldiya Jibawi, Syria/Jordan
Of The Rulers Dir. Syed Owais Ali, Pakistan/Qatar
7:00 PM Janis: Little Girl Blue
7:15 PM Embrace Of The Serpent
7:30 PM Jesse McLean Juror’s Screening Special Event
9:00 PM No Home Movie
9:15 PM Reel Funny
Included Films:
The Plastic Bag Dir. Jørgen Johansen, Norway
Universal Gentrification Dir. Hart Perez, Devon Perez, USA
Studio of Tomorrow Dir. Teddy Newton, USA
Selfied Dir. Nicole Brending, USA
Greener Grass Dir. Paul Briganti, USA
The Barry and Ro Show Dir. Jordan Liebowitz, USA
Boris In The Forest Dir. Robert Hackett, USA
The Holy Cave Dir. Aleix Massot, Spain
The Talk Dir. Joe Otting, USA
Unprincipled Dir. John Kerfoot, USA
Friday 12:00 AM Raiders Of The Lost Ark: The Adaptation – Midnight Screening Special Event
Friday, April 8th
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ARRI Camera Demo Location: Schoonover Center
1:00 PM Alternative Textures
Included Films:
In Defense of the Rocket Dir. Martin Ginestie, United Kingdom
A Long Way From Home Dir. Jay Rosenblatt, USA
First Rodeo Dir. Vera Brunner-Sung, USA
Footage Dir. Minjung Kim, USA
Relief Dir. Calum Walter, USA
Tunnel Dir. Snow Yunxue Fu, USA
Poem Dir. Dan Browne, Canada
Starfish Aorta Colossus Dir. Lynne Sachs, USA
Beasts in the Garden Dir. Lori Felker, USA
Untitled Dir. Mohammad Farhang, USA
SPAM Dir. Institute for New Feeling, USA
Privy Dir. David Finkelstein, USA
Deep in the Woods Dir. Soyeon Kim, USA
1:15 PM At-Risk Summer
Included Films:
At-Risk Summer Dir. E. Charlton-Trujillo, USA
1:30 PM Who We Are
Included Films:
Selfie Dir. Ali Erfan Farhadi, Iran
Swallowed Whole Dir. Heidi Kumao, USA
Dysmorphia Dir. Katheine Grubb, Canada
Pulling Up Roots Dir. Cecelia Condit, USA
Rod Zegwi Dan Pikan Dir. Azim Moollan, Mauritius
The Sparrow’s Flight Dir. Tom Schroeder, USA
Clan Dir. Larissa Behrendt, Australia
Sea Child Dir. Minha Kim, United Kingdom
Spit Dir. Mtume Gant, USA
3:00 PM India’s Duaghter
Included Films:
India’s Daughter Dir. Leslee Udwin, India
That’s My Boy Dir. Akhil Sathyan, India
3:15 PM Haze
Included Films:
Haze Dir. David Burkman, USA
3:30 PM SciFri
Included Films:
The Puddle Dir. Serdar Yilmaz, Turkey
Animal Dir. Ramez Silyan, USA
Los Kaotikos Dir. Mauricio Leiva-Cock, Colombia
Notifications On Dir. Justin Maine, USA
Olive Dir. Aaron Martinez, USA
Electricity Dir. Veniamin Tronin,Russian Federation
5:00 PM The Fits
5:15 PM Re-Imagining Cinema
Included Films:
XO Dir. Brian Ratigan, USA
Cleo from 5:41 to 5:43 Dir. Kate Raney, USA
Something About Which Nothing Can Be Said Dir. Theodore Kennedy, USA
Parting Dir. Gregg Biermann, USA
Love In Five Parts Dir. Joshua J. Provost, France
Le Nu Dir. Brian Zahm, USA
Sally’s Shadow Dir. Olivier Pierre Dougoud, France
5:30 PM Kings Queens & In-Betweens
Included Films:
Kings Queens & In Betweens Dir. Gabrielle Burton, USA
7:00 PM Charles Burnett Presents: Killer Of Sheep Visting Artist Special Event
7:15 PM Boy And The World
7:30 PM RAIDERS! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made
9:00 PM The Tribe
9:15 PM Not Your Kid’s Cartoons
Included Films:
Love Dir. Réka Bucsi Hungary, France
Pokey Pokey Dir. Junjie “Jake” Zhang USA
The Red Room Dir. Sae Yun Jung Germany
Master Blaster Dir. Sawako Kabuki, France
The Itching Dir. Dianne Bellino, USA
Panic Attack! Dir. Eileen O’Meara, USA
Personal Effects Dir. Elena Megalos, USA
Don’t Tell Mom Dir. Sawako Kabuki, Japan
Manoman Dir. Simon Cartwright, United Kingdom
Saturday, April 9th
11:00 AM Saturday Morning Cartoons
Included Films:
Perfect Piggies Dir. Sandra Boynton, USA
The Orchestra Dir. Mikey Hill, Australia
Patsy the Snowman Dir. B.E.F. Oakes, USA
Daisy Chain Dir. Galvin scott Davis, Australia
Fulfilament Dir. Rhiannon Evans, United Kingdom
Coyote and the Rock Dir. Aron Gauder, Hungary
Switch Man Dir. Hsun-Chun Chuang, Taiwan
The Sea is Blue Dir. vincent peone, USA
Johnny Express Dir. WOO Kyungmin, Republic of Korea
Moom Dir. Daisuke Tsutsumi, Robert Kondo, Japan
1:00 PM Joint Adventures
Included Films:
Madam Black Dir. Ivan Barge, New Zealand
The Ken Burns Effect Dir. Tia Shuyler, USA
Unleaded Dir. Emmanuel Tenenbaum, Canada
The Wall Dir. Lampaert Samuel, Belgium
Step 9 Dir. Leonora Pitts, USA
Mi Casa, Su Casa Dir. Sara Verhagen, France
Across Dir. Marnix Ruben, Netherlands
1:15 PM The Rainbow Kid
Included Films:
The Rainbow Kid Dir. Kire Paputts, Canada
1:30 PM Boy And The World
3:00 PM Mariam
Included Films:
Mariam Dir. Faiza Ambah, France
Sara’s Columbine Dir. Justin Zimmerman, USA
I Destini Dir. Nicholas Pilarski, USA
3:00 PM Edward Lachman Presents: Far From Heaven Visiting Artist Special Event
3:15 PM No Home Movie
5:00 PM Viktoria
5:15 PM Overburden
Included Films:
Overburden Dir. Chad A. Stevens, USA
Rock Clay Sand Straw Wood Dir. Adele Horne, USA
5:15 PM The Lobster
7:00 PM Charles Burnett Presents: To Sleep With Anger Visting Artist Special Event
7:45 PM Embrace Of The Serpent<
9:15 PM Inner and Outer Space
Included Films:
Patarei Prison Dir. Ricard Carbonell, Estonia
Over Fractured Water Dir. Olivia Ciummo USA
A Disaster Forever Dir. Michael Gitlin, USA
Notes from the Interior Dir. Ben Balcom, USA
Body Contours Dir. Kristin Reeves, USA
6500 Dir. Lisa Truttmann, USA
Etude Dir. Robert Todd, USA
Half Human, Half Vapor Dir. Mike Stoltz, USA
King James Version Genesis Chapter Nineteen Dir. Martin Sulzer, Germany
9:15 PM Edward Lachman Presents: Carol Visiting Artist Special Event
Sunday, April 10th
1:00 PM Having and Raising Children
Included Films:
Out The Hospital Window Dir. Robert Machoian, USA
Untitled Dir. Bonne Fee, USA
Family Tale Dir. Patricia Beckmann Wells, USA
Where You Are Dir. Graham Parkes, USA
Mommy Dir. Nemnemiss McKenzie, Canada
In Other Words Dir. Tal Kantor, Israel
Jellyfish Dir. Sophie Littman, United Kingdom
Follow the Instructions Dir. Begoña Soler, Spain
Fragments of the Living Dir. Francis DiClemente, USA
1:15 PM The Dinkytown Uprising
Included Films:
The Dinkytown Uprising Dir. Al Milgrom, Daniel J. Geiger, USA
3:00 PM You Don’t Know How To Party
Included Films:
Fighting For Death Dir. Eleonora Veninova, Macedonia
Cherry Cake Dir. Jaine Green, United Kingdom
Octopus Dir. Jaime Habac Jr., Philippines
It Had Wings Dir. Ellen Hemphill, Jim Haverkamp, USA
Shoot Granny Dir. Grégoire Morel Spain
Ruth’s Great Escape Dir. Thomas Bangert, USA
Come Away With Me Dir. Ellen Gerstein, USA
3:15 PM Embers
Included Films:
Embers Dir. Claire Carré, USA
Out of Touch Dir. Jonathan Zuck, USA
3:30 PM Boy And The World
5:00 PM Keep In Touch
Included Films:
Keep in Touch Dir. Sam Kretchmar, USA
5:30 PM Janis: Little Girl Blue
5:15 PM Embrace Of The Serpent
7:00 PM Steve De Jarnatt Presents: The Miracle Mile Visting Artist Special Event
7:30 PM The Tribe
7:45 PM The Fits
9:00 PM Best of The Fest Screening: Special Event