Expanded Forms – 2020 Shorts

Tuesday, 10/19, 9:30 PM

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Director: Bianca Malcolm, Experimental, USA, 2 min.
A celebration takes a dark turn.

We Were Hardly More Than Children

We Were Hardly More Than Children
Director: Cecelia Condit, Experimental, USA, 9 min.
An epic tale of a friend’s traumatic abortion; a deep hurt not remembered, but poignantly visible in her paintings.


Director: Sasha Waters Freyer, Experimental, USA, 5 min.
River naiads and backyard deities; nothing noticed is lonely.

Take a Picture

Take a Picture
Director: Josh Weissbach, Experimental, USA, 3 min.
When there is simultaneously life and death, there is always more than a stillness.

We Carry With Us Our Mother

We Carry With Us Our Mother
Director: Olivia Ciummo, Experimental, USA, 5 min.
Planetary events, and a blood red landscapes blend with ethereal sounds as text leaves clues about difficulties with the mind and body.

This Film

This Film
Director: Shelly Silver, Experimental, 7 min.
Filming is alchemy; preserving, seeing, devouring, cutting. Chopping the flow of images with a push of a button. It privileges a solitary unseen protagonist, choosing this over that and then that, it eats anything, not everything.

Curious Fantasies

Curious Fantasies
Director: Jesse McLean, Experimental, 9 min.
Give us your songs, your smells and we will give you everything. The rich get richer, everyone smells poorer.


Director: Lori Felker, Documentary, USA, 14 min.
You never know when someone is miscarrying; it could be happening right next to you.

Signal 8
Director: Simon Liu, Experimental, USA, 14 min.
They said a storm is calling this way but we’re still waiting. Lives carry on in Hong Kong as traces of civic upkeep morph into sites of remembrance.

Standing Forward Full

Standing Forward Full
Director: Alee Peoples, Experimental, 6 min.
A helter skelter is an amusement ride with a spiral slide built around a tower.

Director: Sky Hopinka, Experimental, USA, 11 min.
Images of friends and landscapes are cut, fragmented, and reassembled on an overhead projector as hands guide their shape and construction in this film stemming from Hollis Frampton’s “Nostalgia”.

The Comic Sans Video
Director: Roger Beebe, Experimental, USA, 9 min.
A “desktop cinema” essay on the ways in which taste is determined by race, class, gender.