Execution – Feature 2020
Friday 10/15, 5:30 PM
Thursday 10/21 3:30 PM
Director: Stavit Allweis
Experimental, USA, 48 min.
A renegade clan of females stages an execution like no other.
Plays with:
Raw Materials for A Theory of The Young-Girl
Director: Lydia Moyer, Experimental, USA, 8 min.
Psychological speculation on the roots of Ayn Rand’s philosophy become intertwined with Tiqqun’s theories of late capitalism and the formulation of the young-girl.
Director: Yfke van Berckelaer, Narrative, Netherlands, 9 min.
Lili knows she has to nail this audition. The Man she auditions for, knows this too.
Director: Lasha Mowchun, Narrative, Canada, 11 min.
In films, the female body is often seen in small pieces. But what if we took the pieces apart and found they belonged to not one, but two people?